This video was posted on You Tube Sept. 25, 2011 on the murder of American Nazi Jeff Hall. Everything about the story is alarming. That the Nazi was killed by his own ten-year old son, that three white supremecists were on the ballot for Congress in 2010, that relatives of this Nazi describe his BBQ as a blast even as the guests were all Nazis, and the grand daddy of them all--the ten year old's grandmother stating that her son being a Nazi had nothing whatsoever do to with the little boy's history of violence.
Then there's the appalling explanation as to why Hall got involved in the National Socialist Movement--he was a bitter and unemployed construction worker who blamed the decline in the economy on illegal immigration. Being unemployed, being upset with illegal immigrattion just doesn't turn one into a Nazi.
If you can't watch the video here, just go to You Tube and watch it.
I also saw another video (also from CBS, I believe) on the rise of neo-Nazism among the Middle Class.
I can't remember if the video I am posting here is the long version or short version. The long version (about 13 minutes) it definitely worth watching.
"he was a loser playing dress up seems like the overall explanation"