Sunday, September 4, 2011
Munich Massacre Sept 5, 1972 Black September
Everyone will have the tragedy of September 11 on their minds next week. This week, let's remember another tragedy--the massacre of Israeli athletes by Palestinians at the 1972 Olympics in Munich, Germany.
This clip is from the movie Munich. While the film paints Israel in a most unfavorable light, the scenes of terrorism are extremely powerful, especially the opening scene.
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"pity the movie continued past that"
"I can respond as anonymous only"
"I argee on the movie, Daniel. When it first came out I was hoping it would be an accurate account of what happened rather than an anti-Israeli PR film.
The opening scene is the only part that is accurate and fair."
"okay. it seems I can post if I click name/open url"
"pity the movie continued past that"