Friday, October 7, 2011

I Am Sorry
I need to say that, not only now but more often throughout the year. For what I have posted and not posted, for what I have written and note written on my blog and in my comments on blogs and news editorials. I have offended for careless things I have written (largely out of ignorance--not knowing, not to be rude). I will not qualify this post by writing IF I have offended, angered, embarassed, or hurt a reader here or elsewhere. I have. So I am very sorry.

Please forgive me. Hashem in merciful and His mercy endures forever. I hope and pray that those online whom I love (as Jews, not in a romantic sense but a place of deep respect, friendship, and gratitude) will forgive me as Hashem will I hope that will truly allow me to be inscribed and sealed for a good year, but mostly because Hashem wants us to be merciful as He is.

As for vows I have made to myself, I have only kept one of importance this year. I can't recall the many others I have made and not honored.

 Hashem in your mercy, help me to either not make vows to myself at all and risk becoming a liar, or to make vows and keep them at times when vows and situations are serious enough that they must be made and kept.

Only You in the universe Who created us all know which vows I have made to myself and honored and those I made reckless and without the seriousness that a vow entails.

To Hashem, I am sorry. Please forgive me.

To friend and family: I am sorry. Please forgive me.

To myself... ... ... ...  I am sorry, and will try to forgive myself.
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