Sunday, November 27, 2011

Occupy Buffalo and Communism?
I haven’t posted for a while because the USB modem on my computer is a bit wobbly and slight movement, from typing, disconnects it. I’ll be getting a new modem ASAP. In the meantime… The whole Occupy Wall Street movement seems to have fizzled out, at least for now. I’d imagine the anti-Capitalist crowds are crowding the stores for bargains. But even as the Occupy movement is dying down (will it rise up again in the warmer weather?) I’m curious about the Occupy Buffalo movement. Perhaps I am reading too much into it, but this summer I noticed a Russian flag (definitely a Russian flag) in Niagara Square, long before the occupy thing. There weren’t any Russian rallies or protests being held at the time. Next, I noticed the Occupy Buffalo web site. The colors were identical to those of the old Buffalo Beat /The Beast newspaper (out of print now, but the online version is still online, though appears outdated.)

The Black apparently represents Anarchy and the red Communism. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not. I read on the Occupy Buffalo web site that local activist Nate Buckley has was interviewed by RT (Russia Today, a pro-Putin, Russian Federation funded television network which airs globally but also on Time Warner cable here). I can’t recall offhand how Buffalo Beast/The Beast is tied to Russia or if it has any relation to the Occupy movement, but my gut instinct is that it does ). And why would a Buffalo based activist be interviewed on RT? I’ve seen links to the RT video interview on Occupy Chicago and Oakland web sites and You Tube channels Buckley comments on RT:

Some 130 activists of the ‘Occupy Chicago movement’ have been arrested for camping out in a city park after closing time. They’ve been inspired by the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protests against corporate greed and the influence of the rich in government.
­The movement has existed for over a month and has now spread across five continents.

Back in New York, dozens of people were arrested just days ago in a police crackdown on activists.

However, the rough tactics police are using against protesters are not something new for the US, according to Nate Buckley from the National Confederation to End Unjust Incarcerations and Free Political Prisoners in Buffalo.

“Throughout our history, whether there were union uprisings, civil rights activists, anti-nuclear organizations they’ve always been used, but now there are just more cameras around and more accessibility, so you can put something global, and before now, this information was not able to get out there.”

There have been economic protests in many countries before, but it’s Occupy Wall Street that has become so widespread and unified. Buckley believes that mostly this is because it does not have formal leaders or formal objectives, and it is easy for people to sign up for this kind of action. But if the movement loses media attention, its activists risk losing much of its support, and might also become more vulnerable to police repression, Buckley believes

I’ve never even heard of the National Confederation to End Unjust Political Prisoners in Buffalo. Sounds pretty farfetched. In any event, it seems there is a strong Communist component to the Occupy movement here and Buckley has people in the larger movements paying attention. I’m typing this on Microsoft word, so I can’t embed videos, but here in the link to RT and the video interview with Buckley His version of political oppression jumping from the federal building to FBI building to M&T bank sounds far fetched and I don't recall any mention of it in the media.

All in all though, I do think there is a fledgling Communist movement in Buffalo. I've seen too many Social Worker newspapers on the bus to ignore. Again, long before the Occupy movement.

Curious--Putin reportedly said that there will not be an Occupy Russia movement as the government will be increasing spending.

Maybe I can embed it. Let me try:

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